Saturday, 11 May 2013

Topshop digs the Partner Look

Today on the Partner Look we have some Topshop. We all love Topshop. I find it quite expensive and the sizing a bit off and sometimes a bit too hip for me now that I am an old woman but, generally speaking at least, we all LOVE Topshop. Anyway, they have started a childrens' range (Topshop Mini) which, whilst not very broad, does have some really nice stuff. Our beautiful Sophie found this lovely Partner Look this week, featuring a maternity jumper and a matching baby jumper. Why you would want to pre-empt the Partner Look during pregnancy and whilst your Partner can't really join in is a bit of a mystery but there you go. I think this jumper would work post-partum as an over-sized thing with some black skinny jeans or something but, living in the south of France, over-sized jumpers become surplus to requirement for much of the year. Especially now. It is getting hot. Poor me and my massive belly. See the photo below, modelled by the lovely Sophie (also sporting a Partner of her own but he/she is still in the early cooking stages).
Sophie, our regal assistant for the day  

The lovely Christine also sent us a link to a shop based in Maui that digs the Partner Look, Cinnamon Girl ( Here we can see just one example of what they have on offer:
Apologies for the quality of the photo. I am an inter-moron and don't know how to make it better. I would like to blame my Partner but that seems a little unfair. Even before getting knocked up I doubt if I would have been able to do it. Anyway, here I can only imagine the mother is whispering to her daughter 'I HATE you for making me wear this, you twat'. The verdict is the children look ok, the mothers do not. No one wants this to be a consequence of the Partner Look. My look is paramount, my Partner is pretty much going to have to lump it. Partners are, generally speaking, inherently cute until they hit puberty anyway so they'll have to take what they are given.

Talking of me and my Partner here is my 8 month bump:

8 months oh shit who me neverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

As you can doubtless see, my Partner is becoming ever-keener to make her presence known. This is clear by my massive gut, how long it takes me to get up out of bed/any chair, the fact I can't see my chatte any more (probably for the best, God only knows what is going on down there) and, finally, the fact I can't put tights on. Good thing I am not some weirdo who wears lace-up shoes because I would be in trouble. Things are going well here, still waiting for news on the flat, mechanic is due to pick the car up for repair today and then we are going for an exciting trip to the Post Office and maybe to see the family-in-law in the Var. Should be a nice weekend. Still having issues with very achy coccyx and some cramps which is annoying but things could be worse. I think I found my first stretch marks yesterday although they could have been duvet marks, who knows. Regardless, it reminded me about this amazing swimsuit:

Ariel is going to get it

I love this swimming costume. You can find it here: .

Here is a close-up:

Ariel is in serious trouble

I never liked my stomach even before getting pregnant so, although the discovery of stretch marks made me feel like I wanted to cry, I am trying to see the positive side of all of the different bathing costumes I can buy. ASOS have loads of nice ones. The Jaws one is obviously my favourite but it is in Australia and expensive and I would like to try it on first and I don't know what size I will be after birth etc so I won't buy it for now but I shall remember it for later.

I have to go and eat a pastry before I die.

Bon weekend a tous,

N x

Thursday, 9 May 2013

The Partner Look continues across the globe (sort of)

Today we have our first entry from friends Amy and Gabriel sporting a fabulous Partner Look. You can't go wrong with stripes and, considering Gabriel's parentage, this seems just right. If you look closely you can see that Amy has even succeeded in matching the width of the stripes exactly and aligning them just for our photo: she truly is the perfect woman. Amy: thank you. A great Partner Look and you are now both fully-fledged members our our club. Don't hesitate to send in your own contributions if you want to join in.

The fabulous and lovely Amy and Gabriel at your service

The Sunday Times Style Guide has also been of assistance today with their Twitter mention of these childrens' loafers:

Courtesy of Sunday Times Style

Any of the women featured below could work this look with their offspring, as could Kanye or that old Playboy man or other rich twats or twats who wish to appear rich on their yachts or bikes or whatever.

Courtesy of

A special mention is reserved for men who wear the loafers without socks: I hate you.

I found another excellent website with a broad range of Partner Looks. See the best photo below.

I actually quite like this dress although sadly I think I will have to wait a few years until this version of the Partner Look could come into fruition. I have my suspicions as to whether this size 6 21 year old is the REAL mother of this 4/5 year old child but let's not get bogged down in the detail.

I found another website subscribing to the Partner Look: the odiously-titled Me n' Mommy. See here:

   As irritating as the name is I actually quite liked this look (leopard print leggings below). Definitely one I could go for. In reality, I would imagine my Partner Look will be based on matching basics rather than actually matching entire outfits or looks so this is some good inspiration for me.

Seems I am not the only one who digs the Partner Look. I found this Pinterest account online last night:
I don't understand Pinterest but I liked looking at the pictures.

Not much else to report really. Still waiting for news/development on moving house. I went window shopping for a baby sleeping bag that will be suitable for the hot summer here. Another Frenchy told me I spoke with an Italian accent, mamma mia. My parents are coming to visit next week and I am very excited, trying to get stupid car fixed before their arrival. My Frenchy is teaching at the flat today so I am currently sitting in a cafe having a decaff in a cloud of cigarette smoke and waiting for him to finish.

Bisous à tous,

N x

Wednesday, 8 May 2013


Men and boys are in no way excluded from the Partner Look
So, having had one of the most challenging periods of my life, interspersed with really good bits, I am determined to get back into writing my blog, or writing anything at all for that matter.
The discovery of this little beauty of a Partner Look may also have been involved in the resurrection process.

See here the Partner Look in action in Aix en Provence. This is a shop which exclusively stocks mens' matching swimwear in adult and child sizes. It is a very expensive shop. The swimwear is horrible. The Partner Look aspect is the only redeeming feature.

The Partner Look: An update.

The last two months have been ridiculous and busy and full of ups and downs but things are generally good now, the sun is out, my bebe is healthy and I am nearing the end which means gin and tonic and no elasticated waists (eventually). I am 8 months pregnant, feeling enormous but still managing to wear a lot on my normal clothes which is great because I don't feel too removed from ME ME ME.
Here is a picture of me and my child to be:
Oh no massive and this was a few weeks ago

In terms of further updates here is the most recent picture of my Partner. She looks like a baby. Apparently she looks like me but I can't be sure. Pregnancy is hard at times and great at other times but one thing is for sure: I cannot WAIT to see her face and know what she looks like. I had never imagined the suspense would be so great but it really is. Look at her:

My bebe's tiny face.

Already not wanting to let her mother hog the limelight, my Partner has appeared in a little video. I suppose it would be considered a silent movie, at least until I start shouting. My stomach now resembles an egg with a massive trapped creature inside it. Essentially that is what it is. Here she is:

My search for the Partner Look is ongoing. I have found lots of stripy tops and things for my Partner but have lots of clothes already and need to sort them all out so am reticent to buy anything else at the moment, especially as we are due to move house and need to save our $. Submissions of your own Partner Looks most welcome. LET ME SEE YOU AND YOUR EGO REFLECTED IN YOUR CHILD'S WARDROBE. Famous nutters sporting the look also much desired.


N x

Update: I found another shop that stocks parent and child matching swimwear with really nice matching bikinis. Couldn't get a photo but rest assured they were suitably stylish and stripy and French looking. WANT.

Thursday, 14 March 2013

The Pink Panther Look...wait, I've got that wrong

Another day, another Partner Look, this time from massive-gobbed bus driver Pink. As you can see, my least-favourite-singer-whatever-she-is-make-her-shut-the-hell-up likes to attempt to match her bottom half with her baby daddy and her top half with her partner. Interesting idea but they all look like shit. Hang on, the baby looks fine. Remind me never to look at a picture of Pink again.

The Triumvirate Partner Look Powerhouse Puke Party

I had an ok day today, generally speaking. Got up with the Frog before work then made some phone calls. I found a clinic nearby with birthing pools and they spaces and it is free and they have gynaecologists I can see in Aix so if I'm having the baby here, I'm having it there. It seems as if water births are not as commonplace as in the UK but it has always appealed to me, particularly because I LOVE the idea of fishing for bits of my poo with a sieve. SOUNDS COOL.

I also saw a GP today, the Frog's to be precise, as the laboratory called and said I had a wee infection, anaemia and a million other things wrong, fabulous. Anyway, the doctor made two utterly inappropriate jokes: when we entered the room he turned to Frog and said 'Your girlfriend? Couldn't you get a French one?' and a couple of minutes later he laughed and asked 'So the kids yours then, is it?' WHAT A DICKSTAIN. I want to tell the GMC but they would say 'COME BACK TO ENGLAND AND THE ADORABLE NHS, YOU TWAT.' Needless to say I won't be visiting that GP again on account of the fact he is a misogynist idiot AND was wearing tight jeans, orangey shoes and was too groomed by half. OBVIOUSLY THEY DON'T DISH OUT COURTESY AND DIGNITY WITH THE HIPPOCRATIC OATH HERE. What an utter prick. 

I also went to work and drew 26 different cars, that was enjoyable. I have a new translation project to start tomorrow, as well as first trip to French hairdresser. WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG?

Some French twat

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Victoria Beckham knows about the Partner Look

Another follower of the Partner Look ethos: the fabulous Victoria Beckham and her daughter Harper. I can only imagine how happy she was to have finally had a girl, thus providing her with the opportunity to create a child in her own image. Here we have an image of Harper in skinny jeans with VB in her own matching pair. This is certainly a doable Partner Look and one I shall doubtless fall back on.                                                                     

Of course Victoria understands the power of the Partner Look

My friend Luciana sent me an amazing link which shall certainly help to facilitate the Partner Look: the Cos childrens wear shop. See here:

They have loads of breton tops, skinny jeans and black dresses, it is like my very own personal Partner Look shop. Well spotted, Luci. The fact that most of the items cost more than I would spend on myself may represent a bit of a stumbling block but I did pass a test for a new job today so things are looking up.

Not much else going on today. Went to work, talked to some friends, called my dad to say Happy Birthday, the usual. I am trying to prepare questions to see my gynaecologist next week, things about possibility of water birth etc. Was considering this other clinic, l'Etoile, which we may have been able to access due to our health insurance but a girl at my baby group mentioned it was run by nuns and rather conservative. Even if they offer more right-on birthing solutions, I think I would prefer to avoid something with religious undertones. Had enough of that for a lifetime. Anyway, I'll see how I get on with the doctor next week and go from there I suppose. I also got a semi job offer from a British translation agency which is great because it could be the solution to my problems in terms of my maternity entitlement. CROSS EVERYTHING, PEOPLE. Had no coffee and baby seems a bit less nutso, we'll see how that goes. I am currently being chatted up by some odd old Frenchman so should sign off. He was yet another person who, on hearing my French, asked if I was Italian. It is amazing how much of an effect my Italian has on my French, who knew this could happen?

This was the Partner Look, over and out.


Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Alien Re-resurrection: The Babybelle Cometh


Nothing like a wriggling monster to put you off your lunch. My partner was getting jealous of all of the attention I was receiving so she begged me (kicked me) until I agreed to let her be the star of her own film.

Sex en Provence Cinema proudly presents Alien Re-resurrection: The Babybelle Cometh

In other news I am feeling much better today. Got up early to see Frog off to work, stayed in bed a bit longer but got up eventually and went to Mother and Baby group. Met some other pregnoids and new mothers which was nice, comparing experiences at hospital and such like. They seem really nice so I'm glad to be creating a bit of a network here. One was 16 weeks and looked far more pregnant than me, I feel a combination of relief and envy. After that I found the laboratory to do my blood and wee tests and got that sorted, I can get my results on Thursday. Only difference really is that they check for toxoplasmosis here, in the UK they don't give a shit about it. I tried to tell the woman I grew up in a house with lots of cats so was probably immune but she proceeded to tell me that being a cat-owner was no risk to the baby. Fine, I thought, me and my imaginary cat give up.

I came home for lunch before work and DHL called saying they had a package for me. Eeeeek. It arrived and it was the Peter Rabbit Baby Gap range that my parents had send over as a gift. FANKS, 'RENTS. I still want the ballet tights and Jemima Puddleduck hat, may have to get them myself but it seems a bit unnecessary. Anyway, as you can see from the picture below, in order to effectively act out the Partner Look, I am going to have to start to seriously consider incorporating some more pink into my wardrobe. So far I have just one bright pink houndstooth pencil skirt, that won't do at all. If anyone can let me know where I can buy any 10-12 pink dresses with ducks on I would be really grateful, as well as looking like a real dickhead.

Baby Gap Peter Rabbit range

Monday, 11 March 2013

Bebe blues: only the Partner Look if she also has a face like a smacked arse

I have been in a very funny mood for the last few days, really exhausted and feeling down. I suppose this is the reality of pregnancy. It is hard. It comes in waves and sometimes you feel great and others you feel like you want to cry and could sleep forever and as if everything is totally shit. Anyway, I wasn't going to write anything but I thought that it was better to be honest; this is a part of pregnancy, the stress and fatigue and hormones and everything, so here it is.

I am trying to totally cut out caffeine, it is difficult. I am worried I am going to get mad headaches if I go cold turkey. None of my trousers fit so I sit around with them undone, something I enjoyed doing before but at least now I have a legitimate excuse to do so. I am still fine with my dresses for now but must go maternity jeans shopping. I have to go to the laboratory to get my blood tests done ready for my appointment with my gynecologist next week so am going first thing in the morning as it is fasting test. Hope all is well. I think tiredness is as a result of sleeping badly rather than anything more sinister.

I did get offered some proper Italian teaching here today so that is something positive, starts next week. It was also really sunny here today, absolutely beautiful, so I mustn't complain as I look at photos of the UK covered in snow. Had positive counselling session which made a change to her sitting there, saying nothing and yawning. I MUST REMEMBER TO COUNT BLESSINGS AND NOT BE A SAD SACK. I have a healthy baby who is ridiculously active and I am so looking forward to meeting her. I will try and get some more Partner Look inspiration over the next few days. Here is a little picture to get us started again for tomorrow:

Asians working the Partner Look. Why of course

Saturday, 9 March 2013

22 week bebe face

Ok, my experience with the French medical system went slightly better today. I arrived at the hospital to  find a nurse who laughed, exclaiming 'There is no doctor, it's a Saturday!' 'I know', I told her, 'they told me to come back today'. She carried on explaining that there were no doctors until I interrupted, tears in my eyes, and shouted that someone had to see me. Pregnancy is hard sometimes. I am a cry-baby idiot.  Anyway, she rushed off and found the doctor and 40 minutes later we had a scan. Hooray. I was able to ask a lot about the French birthing system, they have no gas and air/high epidural and c-section rate etc., but she was really nice and put my mind at rest. Feeling guilty, she let me go for a wee a couple of times to attempt to move my partner so we could get a nice shot and, lo and behold, here is her face. She is giving you a little wave. Fabulous.

Say 'ello to my liddle friendddd

The Turbinators

My sister is on-board with the Partner Look. She has suggested knitting a turban for my partner, just like mummy. Here is the idea:

The turbinator  junior
The turbinator senior
I think this is a look we can both pull off. My partner and I will be very happy together. As such, Auntie Charlotte may we request a black turban for my baby but not newborn size as we will be in France and her head will be hot. Maybe 3-6 months? Thanks so much.

N.B. Don't be alarmed about the nose, she may well grow into hers

Friday, 8 March 2013

French system: Strike one

So today I was due to have my first scan in France, the second trimester ultrasound. Got there, waited forty minutes, a nurse told us the sonographer had gone home. I want to be able to put my trust in a system that is so unknown to me but this does not bode well. Anyway it has driven me to drink. I arrived home with 5 kg of mussels, 2 kg of chips and a bottle of wine (moules marinieres, mais oui). In a mood, obviously, I cooked chips and had a tiny glass of wine. FRANCE: THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT.
Therefore, instead of a picture of my baby, here is a picture of me getting SHITFACED (sort of, not at all). I hope this will be rectified tomorrow morning because they invited us back for a repeat appt. at 10am. LET'S SEE

Tardy French doctors drive pregnant woman to drink scandal

22 weeks from the big bang

So, I was going to post my new maternity wardrobe today but none of it fits. Dommage. Here is a tip: don't bother doing maternity shopping online. It is a fool's errand. It is difficult because in France clothes tend to be more expensive and not to my tastes so I would rather buy in the UK and get it shipped. Asos has a great range of maternity wear but the sizing seems off, all a bit too big. What to do, what to do...

In other news, today my friend Luciana told me that Topshop have started to do baby clothes. Here is the link: This could certainly help to facilitate the Partner Look. I haven't had a comprehensive response from my partner in terms of her attitude towards Topshop as yet but she seems indifferent so she is probably going to be stuck with it. 

Also made some purchases from Baby Gap because they have a Beatrix Potter range and I LOVED Jemima Puddleduck as a child so I am very excited I can force this on my partner. Here is the link

One thing I am worried about in terms of the Partner Look ethos is which we way go; do I change my wardrobe to meet her requirements or do I force her into mine while she still can't resist? I don't want to look like a dickhead in a pink hat but I don't want to be criticised for dressing my partner in black. I am hoping we can find some middle ground, perhaps counselling will help.

Anyway, up until now my partner has been a little shy but, as you can see from the picture, today she wanted to say HELLO.

22 weeks and counting

Partner footwear

My partner's first shoes, a little gift from son pere on his trip to South Africa. I am currently on the lookout for a dress for my partner which would be a good match for these babies. Something with a brown base, possible animal theme but wouldn't want to go overboard on the jungle look. Not yet anyway. Perhaps I can wear my leopard print maternity jeans or dress when my partner tries out this look. That could work. Otherwise, does anyone know where I can get these in a 39/6? Much appreciated.

I am partner, hear me roar

The Partner Look update: I have found the shoes. Thanks to Auntie Jo. I am going to try to work these with black skinnies and oversized black vest, South of France summer style.

Shoes for partner senior. Roar.

Thursday, 7 March 2013

The Partner Look: Phase One (22 weeks)

So, the Partner Look has begun. 

I have developed a downy fluff on my belly. This can only be in sympathy with my partner and her lanugo fluff. We are one.

Me and my partner have something in common already

Moreover, I can teach my baby about denim hot pants and black ballerina flats. She will thank me in the long run. 

Even the Mail knows

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. I'm not the only one who recognises the beauty of the Partner Look. Their looks are so blanket bad, Lord knows why you would want to recreate them (see personal favourite above). Oh well. Happy to meet others who subscribe to the Partner Look ethos

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

First post

So, here we are. 
This will be the Partner Look. 

As my partner is currently indisposed (growing and shit), I shall have to speak on her behalf for now.

If you look down you can see my partner when she was very small. So small she had no arms and legs.
My partner, 9 weeks old

Look down again and you can see my slightly increased partner. She was about 12 weeks old here so not quite big enough for a Louboutin pump but could maybe work a kitten heel.  At least she had legs.

My partner, 12 weeks old. She grew limbs

Underneath we have a picture of my partner at 20 weeks. Well, we would have but the printer had no paper. C'est la vie. Instead, here is a picture of a cat I like. It's that sort of place.

Alors, until my partner graces us with her presence in July you've just got me to deal with I'm afraid. The idea behind the blog was for me to try to create a daily Partner Look for me and my baby, let's see how that works out. I have a uniform (black, navy, breton etc.) which I hope she will be willing to work around. Alas, I can't ask her yet. Well I can but it seems unlikely that I would get a response.

So, all you're going to get now is an overview of my experiences, maternity fashion related and otherwise, as a Franglaise living in Aix en Provence.