Ok, my experience with the French medical system went slightly better today. I arrived at the hospital to find a nurse who laughed, exclaiming 'There is no doctor, it's a Saturday!' 'I know', I told her, 'they told me to come back today'. She carried on explaining that there were no doctors until I interrupted, tears in my eyes, and shouted that someone had to see me. Pregnancy is hard sometimes. I am a cry-baby idiot. Anyway, she rushed off and found the doctor and 40 minutes later we had a scan. Hooray. I was able to ask a lot about the French birthing system, they have no gas and air/high epidural and c-section rate etc., but she was really nice and put my mind at rest. Feeling guilty, she let me go for a wee a couple of times to attempt to move my partner so we could get a nice shot and, lo and behold, here is her face. She is giving you a little wave. Fabulous.
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