Wednesday 13 March 2013

Victoria Beckham knows about the Partner Look

Another follower of the Partner Look ethos: the fabulous Victoria Beckham and her daughter Harper. I can only imagine how happy she was to have finally had a girl, thus providing her with the opportunity to create a child in her own image. Here we have an image of Harper in skinny jeans with VB in her own matching pair. This is certainly a doable Partner Look and one I shall doubtless fall back on.                                                                     

Of course Victoria understands the power of the Partner Look

My friend Luciana sent me an amazing link which shall certainly help to facilitate the Partner Look: the Cos childrens wear shop. See here:

They have loads of breton tops, skinny jeans and black dresses, it is like my very own personal Partner Look shop. Well spotted, Luci. The fact that most of the items cost more than I would spend on myself may represent a bit of a stumbling block but I did pass a test for a new job today so things are looking up.

Not much else going on today. Went to work, talked to some friends, called my dad to say Happy Birthday, the usual. I am trying to prepare questions to see my gynaecologist next week, things about possibility of water birth etc. Was considering this other clinic, l'Etoile, which we may have been able to access due to our health insurance but a girl at my baby group mentioned it was run by nuns and rather conservative. Even if they offer more right-on birthing solutions, I think I would prefer to avoid something with religious undertones. Had enough of that for a lifetime. Anyway, I'll see how I get on with the doctor next week and go from there I suppose. I also got a semi job offer from a British translation agency which is great because it could be the solution to my problems in terms of my maternity entitlement. CROSS EVERYTHING, PEOPLE. Had no coffee and baby seems a bit less nutso, we'll see how that goes. I am currently being chatted up by some odd old Frenchman so should sign off. He was yet another person who, on hearing my French, asked if I was Italian. It is amazing how much of an effect my Italian has on my French, who knew this could happen?

This was the Partner Look, over and out.